林凌仲 |
職稱:教授兼商學與資訊學院院長 |
電話:07-6678888#4251/5712 |
傳真:07-6678979 |
學歷 |
1. 東海大學經濟系 學士 2. 義守大學中等學校教育學程 3. 義守大學管理研究所 碩士 4. 國立高雄第一科技大學管理研究所 博士 |
經歷 |
1. 中等學校教師教育學程商業經營科實習教師 2. 國立屏東商業技術學院商業自動化與管理系兼任講師 3. 國立屏東商業技術學院商業行銷與流通管理系兼任講師 4. 樹德科技大學國際企業與貿易學系兼任講師 5. 實踐大學行銷管理學系專任助理教授 6. 南區職業訓練中心國際貿易行銷班講師 7. 實踐大學行銷管理學系專任副教授 8. 實踐大學行銷管理學系系主任 9. 高雄商圈輔導計畫主持人 10. 實踐大學商學與資訊學院院長 (現職) |
專長及研究領域 |
1. 模糊數學與統計分析 2. 國際品牌與廣告管理 3. 通路策略與零售管理 4. 消費者心理學 |
著作 |
A.期刊論文 |
期刊論文: 1. Hsu, T. H., *Lin, L. Z., and Chiu, S. Y. (2019), “Customer loyalty program based on quality function deployment with fuzzy linguistic preference relation,” Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Accepted. [SCI, 74/254, (2018 IF= 1.496), Mathematics, Applied]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 2. *Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R., and Lee, C. F. (2019), “FQFD framework for prioritizing authenticity and heritage design requirements,” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.30, No.1-2, 1-30. [SSCI, 113/217, (2018 IF=2.181), Management]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 3. Yeh, H. R., *Lin, L. Z., and Lu C. F. (2019), “Classification of traditional cultural elements in temple street festivals using the fuzzy Kano model,” Current Issues in Tourism. Vol. 22, No. 10, 1190-1215. [SSCI, 10/52 (2018 IF=3.395), Tourism]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 4. Lu C. F., *Lin, L. Z., and Yeh, H. R. (2019), “A multi-phased FQFD for the design of brand revitalization,” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 848-871. [SSCI, 113/217, (2018 IF=2.181), Management]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 5. Lu C. F., *Lin, L. Z., and Yeh, H. R. (2018), “Exploring the linkage effects of place attachment in rural areas using the fuzzy analytic network process,” Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 461-478. [SSCI, 12/52 (2018 IF=2.988), Tourism]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 6. *Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R. and Lu C. F., (2018), “Destination brands of building homestay: The concept of SWOT analysis,” 觀光與休閒管理期刊,Vol. 6, pp. 34-43. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 7. Yeh, H. R., and *Lin, L. Z. (2017), “Exploring tourists' nostalgic experiences during culture festivals: the case of the Sung Chiang Battle Array,” Current Issues in Tourism. Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 391-424. [SSCI, 10/52 (2018 IF=3.395), Tourism]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 8. *Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R. and Wang M. C. (2015), “Integration of Kano's model into FQFD for Taiwanese Ban-Doh banquet culture,” Tourism Management, Vol. 46, pp. 245-262. [SSCI, 2/52, (2018 IF=6.012), Tourism]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 9. *Lin, L. Z., Lu, C. F., and Yeh, H. R. (2015), “Developing service delivery processes through fuzzy AHP framework,” Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1-14. 第二作者(&通訊作者) 10. Hsu, T. H., Lin, L. Z. and Yang, C.K. (2015), “Usage intention for real-time production capability information system,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 245-262. (EI). 第二作者 (&通訊作者). 11. *Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R. and Hsu, T. H. (2014), “Multi-dimensions of experiential values in the Taipei International Flora Exposition,” Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 9, pp. 36-50. [SSCI, 19/52 (2018 IF=2.485), Tourism]. 第一作者(&通訊作者) 12. Hsu, T. H. and *Lin, L. Z. (2014), “Using fuzzy preference method for group package tour based on the risk perception,” Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 299-323. [SSCI, 21/104 (2018 IF=2.010), Social sciences]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 13. *Lin, L. Z. and Yeh, H. R. (2013), “A Perceptual Measure of Mobile Advertising Using Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relation,” Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 25-46. [SCI, 74/254, (2018 IF= 1.496), Mathematics, Applied]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 14. *Lin, L. Z. and Yeh, H. R. (2013), “A means-end chain of fuzzy conceptualization to elicit consumer perception in store image,” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 33, pp. 376-388. [SSCI, 5/52 (2018 IF=4.465), Tourism]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 15. *Lin, L. Z. and Lu, C. F. (2013), “Fuzzy group decision-making in the measurement of ecotourism sustainability potential,” Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1051-1079. [SSCI, 21/104 (2018 IF=2.010), Social sciences]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 16. *Lin, L. Z. and Yeh, H. R. (2013), “Analysis of tour values to develop enablers using an interpretive hierarchy-based model in Taiwan,” Tourism Management, Vol. 46, pp. 245-262. [SSCI, 2/52, (2018 IF=6.012), Tourism]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 17. *Lin, L. Z. and Hsu, T. H. (2013), “The analysis of risk perception with fuzzy means-end approach,” Quality & Quantity, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 713-734. [SSCI, 56/122, (2017 IF=1.072), Statistics & Probability]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 18. *Lin, L. Z. and Hsu, T. H. (2012), “A modular fuzzy inference system approach in integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis of store image,” Quality & Quantity, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 1847-1864. [SSCI, 56/122, (2017 IF=1.072), Statistics & Probability]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 19. *Lin, L. Z., Huang, L. C. and Yeh, H. R. (2012), “Fuzzy group decision-making for service innovations in quality function deployment,” Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 21 , No. 4, pp. 495-517. [SSCI, 21/104 (2018 IF=2.010), Social sciences]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 20. *Lin, L. Z. and Yeh, H. R. (2012), “Linking consumer perception of store image using FANP,” iBusiness, Vol. 4, pp. 18-28. 第一作者(&通訊作者) 21. *Lin, L. Z., Chen, W. C. and Chang, T. J. (2011), “Using FQFD to analyze island accommodation management in linguistic preferences,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 7738-7745. [SCI, 24/134 (2018 IF=4.292), Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 22. Hsu, T. H. and *Lin, L. Z. (2011), “Community’s attitudes toward ecotourism development in Kinmen national park-A systematic management perspective,” Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, Vol. 2 , No. 2, pp. 237-267. (TSSCI) 第二作者(&通訊作者). 23. *Lin, L. Z. and Hsu, T. H. (2011), “Designing a model of FANP in brand image decision making,” Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, pp. 561-573. [SCI, 20/134 (2018 IF=4.873), Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 24. *Lin, L. Z. and Yeh, H. R. (2010), “Fuzzy linguistic decision to provide alternatives to market mechanism strategies,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, pp. 6986-6996. [SCI, 24/134 (2018 IF=4.292), Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 25. *Lin, L. Z. (2010), “A perceptual measure of trade shows using fuzzy quality deployment development,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, pp. 3921-3933. [SCI, 24/134 (2018 IF=4.292), Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence]. 單一作者. 26. *Lin, L. Z. (2010), “Fuzzy multi-linguistic preferences model of service innovations at wholesale service delivery,” Quality & Quantity, Vol. 44, pp. 217-237. [SSCI, 56/122, (2017 IF=1.072), Statistics & Probability]. 單一作者. 27. *林凌仲、徐村和、葉惠仁 (2010),「應用模糊推論機制於零售業之補貨系統管理」,行銷評論。第7卷,第2期,頁233-264。第一作者(&通訊作者). 28. *林凌仲、徐村和 (2009),「以模糊分析網絡流程建立靈活性新服務發展策略模式」,中山管理評論。第17卷,第4期,頁185-220。 (TSSCI) 第一作者(&通訊作者). 29. *林凌仲、徐村和、張存金 (2009),「市場機制策略組合的模糊多語意偏好分析」,行銷評論。第6卷,第2期,頁185-220。第一作者(&通訊作者). 30. *Lin, L. Z. and Hsu, T. H. (2008), “The Qualitative and Quantitative models for performance measurement systems: the agile service development,” Quality & Quantity, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 445-476. [SSCI, 56/122, (2017 IF=1.072), Statistics & Probability]. 第一作者(&通訊作者). 31. *林凌仲、徐村和(2008),「以模糊偏好關係建立零售業服務創新評估模式」,管理學報,第25卷,第5期,頁505-524。(TSSCI)第一作者(&通訊作者). 32. Hsu, T. H. and Lin, L. Z. (2006), “Using Fuzzy Set Theoretic Techniques to Analyze Travel Risk: An Empirical Study,” Tourism Management, Vol. 27, pp. 968-981. [SSCI, 2/52, (2018 IF=6.012), Tourism]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 33. 徐村和、林凌仲 (2006),「顧客價值為基礎的競爭策略模式-模糊品質機能展開之應用」,管理學報,第23卷,第5期,頁557-579。 (TSSCI) 第二作者(&通訊作者). 34. Hsu, T. H. and Lin, L. Z. (2006), “QFD with Fuzzy and Entropy Weight for Evaluating Retail Customer Values,” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence., Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 1-23. [SSCI, 113/217, (2018 IF=2.181), Management]. 第二作者(&通訊作者). 35. 徐村和、林凌仲 (2005),「應用模糊理論建立旅遊風險分析矩陣」,中山管理評論,第13卷第2期,頁479-509。(TSSCI)。第二作者(&通訊作者). 36. 徐村和、林凌仲 (2005),「應用模糊推論建立降低購物不確定性之決策模型」,管理評論,第24卷,第4期,頁1-27。(TSSCI)第二作者(&通訊作者).
B.研討會論文 |
1. *林凌仲、葉惠仁 (2012),「Linking between consumer perception and store image: Fuzzy analytical network process approach」, 第十五屆電子商務研討會暨第七屆行銷學術研討會(台北大學),光碟論文集。 2. *林凌仲、黃良志 (2010),「Understanding visitors’ perception of tourism risks with fuzzy means-end chain analysis」,2010第六屆海峽兩岸組織行為與人才開發學術研討會(中正大學),光碟論文集。 3. 葉品逸、林凌仲、林淑慧 (2010),「醫療服務業藥師之情緒智力、工作壓力對退卻行為與組織公民行為之影響—以知覺組織支持為中介變項」,2011第六屆海峽兩岸組織行為與人才開發學術研討會(中正大學),光碟論文集。 4. *林凌仲、徐村和、陳乙瑄 (2010),「Assessment of product appearance value based on fuzzy approach」,2010第十一屆永續發展管理研討會,光碟論文集。 5. *林凌仲、徐村和、姜淼方 (2010),「Applying fuzzy inference system to visual aesthetics of websites」,2010第十一屆永續發展管理研討會,光碟論文集。 6. *Lin, L. Z., Hsu, T. H. and Chen, Y. S. (2009), “Application of FQFD in improving accommodation service processes,” International Conference On Asian Industry Competition and Enterprise Administration, Taichung, Taiwan, October 157-167. 7. *林凌仲、徐村和、姜淼方 (2009),「以模糊邏輯方法預測零售存貨變化」,2009運籌管理研討會,光碟論文集第22篇。 8. 陳文江、林凌仲、蔡佩儒 (2009),「觀光節慶活動顧客滿意度研究」,2009休閒、運動與觀光管理學術研討會,頁97。 9. Yeh, H. R., Lin, L. Z and Chen, C. W. (2009), “The mediating effects of brand trust on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in Taiwan cosmetic user,” 2009 International Conference On Management Trends, Tatung, Taiwan, May 21-22. 10. 歐瑋明、李正慧、林凌仲 (2009),「航空公司品牌形象、知覺品質與顧客滿意度之關係」,2009台灣商管理論與實務研討會,光碟論文集第54篇。 11. *林凌仲、葉惠仁、歐瑋明 (2008),「A fuzzy approach to select the retailing service innovation」,2008台灣商管理論與實務學術研討會,頁26。(論文編號:87) [補助編號:NSC 95-2416-H-158-009] 12. 陳文江、林凌仲、葉惠仁 (2008),「社區文化產業推動與居民認同關係之探討」,2008海峽兩岸休閒產業發展學術研討會,頁138。 13. *林凌仲、葉惠仁、曾珮雯、黃畹鈴 (2008),「建構模糊靈活性補貨系統模式-便利商店實證分析」,2008第四屆企業國際化理論與實務研討會,頁43。 14. *林凌仲、葉惠仁、曾珮雯 (2008),「以模糊ANP法分析品牌生命週期之形象管理」,2008 創新與管理國際學術研討會,頁138。 15. *林凌仲、陳文江 (2008),「零售商店品牌生命週期之形象管理」,2008台灣長榮企業管理暨經營決策學術研討會,頁15。(論文編號:236) 16. *Lin, L. Z., Chen W. C. and Lu, C. F. (2007), “An Integrated Group Decision-Making Method Dealing with Fuzzy Preferences for Service Innovation,” 2007 International Conference on Innovation & Management, Taipei, Taiwan, October. (No. 343) [補助編號:NSC 95-2416-H-158-009] 17. *Lin, L. Z and Yeh H. R. (2007), “A Fuzzy QFD Conceptualization Of Service Innovations in the Island Accommodation,” 2007 International Conference On Knowledge-Based Economy & Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan, 6-7, December 2007. 18. *林凌仲 (2007),「以模糊多語意偏好建立品牌生命週期之行銷傳播策略模式」,2007 年第二屆管理與決策學術研討會,會議論文集光碟,頁233。(論文編號:AB042) [補助編號:NSC 95-2416-H-158-009] 19. Hsu, T. H. and Lin, L. Z. (2006), “A Fuzzy Preference Relations to Service Innovation Project Selection,” 9th Joint Conference Information Science, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, October. (FTT-139) [補助編號:NSC 95-2416-H-158-009] 20. Hsu, T. H. and Lin, L. Z. (2006), “Determining linguistic preference formats in service innovations,” 13th International Conference on Recent Advance in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Hungary, Budapest, July. 21. 徐村和、林凌仲 (2006),「模糊新服務發展策略-以靈活性觀點為基礎」,中華民國第四屆全國當代行銷學術研討會,頁108-124。(論文編號:D2-50) 22. 徐村和、林凌仲 (2006),「應用模糊分析網絡流程於品牌形象評估」TBI 2006台灣商管與資訊研討會國立台北大學三峽校區,頁173-184。(論文編號:2006tbi2082) 23. 徐村和、林凌仲、陳欣惠 (2006),「Brand Revitalization with Fuzzy QFD Model」,第十四屆模糊理論及其應用研討會,會議論文集光碟,頁567-573。(論文編號:F0600067) 24. Hsu, T. H. and Lin, L. Z. (2005), “Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment for The Customer Value with Retail Services,” International Symposium on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics, USA, Orlando, July. |
C.科技部專題研究計畫 |
1. 計畫名稱:市場機制策略組合的模糊多語意偏好分析