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李正慧 |
職稱:副教授 |
電話:07-6678888#4251 |
傳真:07-6678979 |
學歷 |
澳洲維多利亞大學 (Victoria University)企業管理博士 美國東華盛頓大學(Eastern Washington University)企業管理碩士 銘傳管理學院(銘傳大學)國際貿易學士 |
經歷 |
1、吳鳳技術學院專任講師 2、實踐大學行銷管理學系 專任助理教授 3、實踐大學行銷管理學系 專任副教授 |
專長及研究領域 |
1、行銷專業英文/商用英文 2、商務溝通技巧 3、消費者行為與滿意度 4、顧客關係管理 5、觀光目的地行銷與管理 |
著作 |
A.期刊論文 |
1、Lee, Cheng-Fei* (Accepted).The factor structure of tourist satisfaction in forest recreation tourism: the case of Taiwan. Tourism Analysis.
2、Lee, Cheng-Fei* and King, Brian. (Accepted). International students in Asia: travel behaviors and destination perceptions. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI journal).
3、Lee, Cheng-Fei*. (Accepted). An investigation of factors determining industrial tourism attractiveness. Tourism and Hospitality Research. (MOST 103-2410-H-158-012).
4、Lee, Cheng-Fei*. (Accepted). Tourist satisfaction with factory tour experience. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research.
5、Lee, Cheng-Fei*. (Accepted). An investigation of factors determining destination satisfaction and travel frequency of senior travelers. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism.
6、Lee, Cheng-Fei* (2015). Chinese mainland tourists’ satisfaction with forest recreation tourism experience in Taiwan: a segment-based approach. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 26(4), 535-548.
7、Lee, Cheng-Fei* and Huang, Hsun-I (2014). The attractiveness of Taiwan as a bicycle tourism destination – a supply-side approach. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(3), 273-299. (SSCI journal) (NSC100-2628-H-258-001)
8、Lee, Cheng-Fei* (2014). The determinants of hospitality internship quality from the perspectives of three stakeholders: a case from Taiwan. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 26(2). 75-86.
9、Lee, Cheng-Fei* (2014). An investigation of factors determining the study abroad destination choice: a case study of Taiwan. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18(4), 362-381. (SSCI journal).
10、Lee, Cheng-Fei*, Chen, Po-Tsang, and Huang, Hsun-I (2014). Attributes of destination attractiveness in Taiwanese bicycle tourism: The perspective of active experienced bicycle tourists. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 15(3), 275-297.
11、Lee, Cheng-Fei* (2014). An investigation of factors determining cycling experience and frequency. Tourism Geographies, 16(5), 844-862. (SSCI journal).
12、Chen, Wen-Chiang, Lee, Cheng-Fei*, and Lin, Ling-Zhong (2012). Investigating factors affecting festival quality: A case study of Neimen Song Jiang Jhen Battle Array, Taiwan. African Journal of Marketing Management, 4(2), 43-54.
13、Huang, Hsun-I and Lee, Cheng-Fei*. (2012). Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of Higher Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 34(6), 611-628
14、Lee, Cheng-Fei*, Huang, Hsun-I, and Ye, Huery-Ren. (2010). Developing an Evaluation Model for Destination Attractiveness - Sustainable Forest Recreation Tourism in Taiwan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(6), 811-828. (SSCI journal)
15、Lee, Cheng-Fei*, Huang, Hsun-I, and Chen, Wen-Chiang (2010). The Determinants of Honeymoon Destination Choice - The Case of Taiwan. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 27(7), 676 - 693. (SSCI journal)
16、Lee, Cheng-Fei* and King, Brian. (2010). International Competitiveness in Hot Springs Tourism- An Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach. Tourism Analysis 15(5), 531-544 . (NSC 97-2410-H-158-001)
17、Lee, Cheng-Fei*, Ou, Wei-Ming and Huang, Hsun-I. (2009). A Study of Destination Attractiveness through Domestic Visitors’ Perspectives: the Case of Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 14 (1), 17-38. (SSCI journal)
18、Chang, Tsun-Jin and Lee, Cheng-Fei*. (2009). A Conceptual Framework of Antecedents and Consequences of Superordinate Identity of New Product Success, International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 2(1), 135-159. (EI journal)
19、Lee, Cheng-Fei* and King, Brian. (2008). Using the Delphi Method to Assess the Potential of Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector. International Journal of Tourism Research, 4(2), 101-125. (SSCI journal) 20、Lee, Cheng-Fei* and King, Brian. (2008). A Determination of Destination Competitiveness for Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector Using the Delphi Technique. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 15(3), 243-257. 21、Lee, Cheng-Fei* and King, Brian (2006). Assessing Destination Competitiveness: An Application to Hot Springs Tourism Sector. Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development, 3(3), pp. 179-197. |
B.研討會論文 |
1、Lee, Cheng-Fei (2015). An investigation of factors determining Taiwan as an industrial tourism destination. In Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (MOST 103-2410-H-158-012). 2、Lee, Cheng-Fei (2013). The attractiveness of Taiwan as an educational tourism destination- a case study of international students majoring in hospitality and tourism management in Taiwan. In Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education) Conference, Macau, China. (NSC 102-2914-I-158-002-A1). 3、Huang, Hsun-I and Lee, Cheng-Fei (2012). An Importance-Performance Analysis of the Attractiveness of Taiwan as a Bicycle Tourism Destination, In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference for Sport Management Association of Thailand, Pattaya, Thailand. 4、Lee, Cheng-Fei and Huang, Hsun-I (2012). A Determination of Destination Attractiveness for Taiwan’s Bicycle Tourism Sector Using the Delphi Method, In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference for Sport Management Association of Thailand, Pattaya, Thailand. 5、Cheng-Fei Lee (2007). An Investigation of Factors Determining the Competitiveness of Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector, In Proceedings of the 2007 Asia Pacific Tourism Association & APacCHRIE Joint Conference, Beijing, China. 6、Cheng-Fei Lee and Brian King (2006). Using the Delphi method to Assess the Potential of Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector, In Proceedings of the 2006 Asia Pacific Tourism Association & APacCHRIE Joint Conference, Hualien, Taiwan. 7、Cheng-Fei Lee, Brian King and Thu Huong, Nguyen (2006). Evaluating the Potential and Competitiveness of Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector, In Proceedings of the 2006 Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |
C.國科會專題研究計畫 |
1、An investigation of factors determining the attractiveness of Taiwan as a senior-friendly tourism destination 2、Evaluating the Potential and Attractiveness of Taiwan as an Industrial Tourism Destination 3、The Potential and Attractiveness of Taiwan as a Bicycle Tourism Destination: A Comparative Study 4、Evaluating the Competitiveness and Potential of Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector