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葉惠仁 |
職稱:副教授兼行銷管理學系系主任 |
電話:07-6678888#4251 |
傳真:07-6678979 |
學歷 |
1、美國Argosy University大學Sarasota分校,企業管理博士主修國際企業管理。 2、美國Pittsburg State University,企業管理碩士。 |
經歷 |
1、川圓消防科技(股)公司經理 2、亞德興業(股)公司經理 3、向邦企業(股)公司總經理特助 4、實踐大學行銷管理學系副教授 5、實踐大學行銷管理學系系主任 (現職) |
專長及研究領域 |
國際行銷、行銷管理、跨文化行銷、企業經營管理 |
著作 |
A.期刊論文 |
1、Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R. and Wang M.C. (2015).Integration of Kano's model into FQFD for Taiwanese Ban-Doh banquet culture. Tourism Management,46, 245-262. (SSCI) 2、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R and Wu, S. F. (2014). How well-being mediates the relationship between social support and teaching effectiveness. Journal of Education and Learning, 3(4), 117-130. 3、Lin, L. Z. and Yeh, H. R. (2013). Analysis of tour values to develop enablers using an interpretive hierarchy-based model in Taiwan. Tourism Management, l(34), 133-144. (SSCI) 4、Lin, L. Z. and Yeh, H. R. (2013). A Perceptual Measure of Mobile Advertising Using Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relation. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 10(5), 25-46. (SCI) 5、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R., Chou, S.M. (2013).The Organizational Commitment, Personality Traits and Teaching Efficacy of Junior High School Teachers: The Meditating Effect of Job Involvement. The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 9(2), 131-142. 6、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R., & Hung, W. C. (2012). The Moderating Effect of Subjective Norm on Cloud Computing Users’ Perceived Risk and Usage Intention. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4( 6), 95-102. 7、Lu, C. F., Yeh, H. R. (2012). The Effectiveness of Online Sales Promotions on Consumer Perceived Benefits of Internet Banking Service. Operating Management Reviews, 8(2), 1-14. 8、林凌仲, 徐村和,葉惠仁. (2010). 應用模糊推論機制於零售業之補貨系統管理. 行銷評論, 7(2),233-264。 9、Lin, L. Z., & Yeh, H. R. (2010). Fuzzy linguistic decision to provide alternatives to market mechanism strategies. Expert System with Applications, 37(10), 6986-6996. (SCI) 10、Lee, C. F., Huang, H. I.,& Yeh, H. R. (2010). Developing an evaluation model for destination attractiveness: sustainable forest recreation tourism in Taiwan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(6), 811-828. (SSCI) 11、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R., & Chen, Y. L. (2010). The mediating effect of knowledge management on customer orientation and job performance of salespeople. The Journal of Global Business Management, 6(1). 127-136. 12、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R., & Haung, M. H. (2009). The influences of advertising endorser, brand image, brand equity, price promotion, on purchase intention- the mediating effect of advertising endorser. The Journal of Global Business Management, 5(1), 224-233. 13、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R., & Liao, K. T. (2009). The influences of brand image and sport sponsorship on brand equity: a mediating effect of sport sponsorship. Journal of International Management Studies, 4 (1), 58-66. 14、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R., & Yang, Y. T. (2009).The impact of brand awareness on consumer purchase intention: the mediating effect of perceived quality and brand loyalty. Journal of International Management Studies, 4 (1), 135-144. 15、Chi, H. K., Yeh*, H. R., & Chiou C. Y. (2009). The effects of brand affect on female cosmetic users brand loyalty in Taiwan. The Journal of American Academy of Business, 14(2), 230-236. 16、Chi, H. K., Yeh, H. R., & Chiou C. Y. (2008). The meditating effects of internal marketing on transformational leadership and job performance of insurance salespersons in Taiwan. The Business Review, 11(1), 173-180. 17、Yeh, H. R., Chi, H. K., & Chiou C. Y. (2008). The influences of paternalistic leadership, job stress, and organizational commitment on organizational performance: an empirical study of policemen in Taiwan. Journal of International Management Studies, 3 (2), 85-91. |
B.研討會論文 |
1、Yeh, H. R., Lin, L. Z.,& Chen, C. W. (2009). The mediation effects of brand trust on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in Taiwan cosmetic users. The 2009 international conference on management trends. National Taitung Junior College. 2、Yeh, H.R., Chiou, C. Y., Lin H. H., & Chen, C. W. (2009). The mediating effects of brand trust between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The 2009 international conference on business expertise and ethics. The overseas Chinese Institute of Technology. 3、Lin, L. Z., & Yeh, H. R. (2008). Using fuzzy and method to analyze image management of brand life cycle. The 2008 international conference on innovation & management. Shih Chien University. 4、Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R., Tseng, P. W., Huang, W. L. (2008). Construct a fuzzy approach on stocking system-an empirical analysis on convenient stores. 2008 Conference and practices in international business. Chang Jung Christian University. 5、Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R., & Ou, W. M. (2008). A fuzzy approach to select retailing service innovation. The 2008 conference of commerce and management theories and practices in Taiwan. Far East University. 6、Chen, J. C., Lin, L. Z., Yeh, H. R. (2008). The study of the relationship between community culture industry promotion and resident identification. The 2008 conference cross strait leisure industry development. Asia University. |