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呂季芳 |
職稱:助理教授 |
電話:07-6678888#4251 |
傳真:07-6678979 |
電子信箱:skylulu@hotmail.com |
學歷 |
美國俄亥俄州立大學人力及社區資源發展研究所博士 |
經歷 |
1、1997–1998國立高雄師範大學成人教育研究中心研究專員 2、1999–2003俄亥俄州立大學繼續醫學教育中心教學助理 3、2000--2001美國俄亥俄州教育局Technical and Adult Education 技職教育專員 4、2004-current 實踐大學高雄校區 行銷管理學系助理教授 |
專長及研究領域 |
1、(國際)行銷管理 - 行銷管理實務/行銷專業英文/國際行銷專業證照輔導 2、國際會議與展覽管理(MICE Management) 3、人力資源發展管理 – 組織發展/個人生涯發展/教育訓練 4、企業/行銷管理研究法 – 研究法理論/統計分析 |
榮譽 |
1、International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE), Certified in Exhibition Management™ (CEM). 2015 2、「中華民國旅館經理人協會」, Certified Hospitality Management, CHM旅館管理專業人員認證銀階證書, 2015 3、Taiwan Bureau of Foreign Trade, Teaching Certificate in Business Event Management Program (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, & Exhibition program), 2011 4、Program leader at “Hospitality Service Industry - Marketing Planning Training Program” from Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Taiwan, 2012/2013/2014 5、Program leader at “Entrepreneurship - Business Builder Program for Small Business” from Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Taiwan, 2004/2008 |
著作 |
A.期刊論文 |
1、Lu, Chifang (2013), 探討社會大眾對文化創意工藝產業之行為意向MIC 4:1, pp. 42-54 2、Lu, Chifang (2013), 樂活休閒農業經營模式與產銷通路, 2013年「管理思維與實務」暨 「管理資訊計算」聯合學術研討會, 管理資訊計算期刊、觀光休閒管理期刊 3、Lu, Chifang (2013), A Study on Management Strategies and market distribution of LOHAS Agriculture.,MIC, 1(2). pp. 164-175. 4、Lin, L. Z., & Lu, C. (2013), Fuzzy group decision-making in the measurement of ecotourism sustainability potential, Volume 22, Issue 6, pp 1051-1079 5、Lu, Chifang (2012)網路金融服務處銷方式對消費者知覺處消利益影響研究, 經營管理論叢, 1(1), pp. 1~15. 6、Lu, Chifang (2011), Building the Taiwanese Women’s Entrepreneurship Competency as Small Business Female Entrepreneurs Competitiveness Index, Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, Vol .7, Num.3. 7、Lin, L. Z., Chen W. C. & Lu, C. (2007), An Integrated Group Decision-Making Method Dealing with Fuzzy Preferences for Service Innovation, 2007 International Conference Collection on Innovation & Management, Taipei, Taiwan. 8、Lu, C. (2007), The study of customer purchasing behavior and brand loyalty. The 2nd Symposium on Management and Strategies, Nan-Hwa University, Taiwan. 9、Lu, C., (2007), Students Acceptance of Information Technology by accepting the use of creative network recruitment, Symposium on International Creative Development and Innovative Design, Aletheia University, Taiwan. 10、Yeh, Ted、LU, C., (2007), The Effects of the Economic Development and Demographic Change on the National Savings in Taiwan. The 2nd Symposium on Management and Strategies, Nan-Hwa University, Taiwan. 11、Lu, C., Chen, W.C., Chiu, S. & Lee, S., (2006), The Linkage of Job Performance to Goal Setting, Team Building And Organizational Commitment in the High-Tech Industry in Taiwan, Human Resource and Adult Learning, Vol.2 No.1, pp130-142. 12、Lu, C., Chen, W.C., Chiu, S. & Wu, M.C., (2006), Presidential Leadership Style and Faculty Job Satisfaction : Illustrated by Cultural Factors, Human Resource and Adult Learning, Vol.2 No.1, pp21-27。 13、Lu, C & Miller, E. (2003). Perceived Instructional Technology Competencies as Needed by Teachers. Journal of Vocational Education Research, 27(3). http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JVER/v27n3/lu.html 14、Lu, C. (2002). Instructional Technology Competencies Perceived as Needed by Vocational Teachers in Ohio and Taiwan. Doctoral dissertation. The Ohio State University, Columbus. |
B.研討會論文 |
1、呂季芳、顏雅雪 (2009) 女性創新創業職能分析,2009 創新與管理國際研討會,台灣台北。 2、呂季芳、陳心敏、葉柔斈,2007/11,網路創意招募接受度之研究,創造力發展研討會,創造力開發與創新設計國際研討會論文集,真理大學。 3、Lin, L. Z., Chen W. C. and Lu, C. F., 2007/10, An Integrated Group Decision-Making Method Dealing with Fuzzy Preferences for Service Innovation, 2007 International Conference on Innovation & Management, Taipei, Taiwan. 4、Lu, C., (2007), Students Acceptance of Information Technology by accepting the use of creative network recruitment, 創造力開發與創新設計國際研討會論文集, Taiwan. 5、LU, C. (2007), The study of customer purchasing behavior and brand loyalty. 管理科學研究 2007 第二屆管理與決策學術研討會論文集, 南華大學, Taiwan. 6、葉惠仁、紀信光、LU, C. (2007), The Effects of the Economic Development and Demographic Change on the National Savings in Taiwan. 管理科學研究 2007 第二屆管理與決策學術研討會論文集, 南華大學, Taiwan. 7、Lu, C., “INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCIES PERCEIVED AS NEEDED BYVOCATIONAL INSTRUCTORS – A STUDY OF USA AND TAIWAN” ,The 5th Comparative Education Society of Asia Biennial Conference 2005,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,2005.5。 |
C.專書 |
1、Lu, C. (2002). Instructional Technology Competencies Perceived as Needed by Vocational Teachers in Ohio and Taiwan. Doctoral dissertation. The Ohio State University, Columbus. 2、Lu, C & Miller, E. (2003). Perceived Instructional Technology Competencies as Needed by Teachers. Journal of Vocational Education Research, 27(3). http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JVER/v27n3/lu.html
D.Cooperation Projects |
2012 商業活動管理之會展經理人培訓 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局 usc-101-03-052008 699,350 2012/07/01至2013/08/31 主持人 2013 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局102學年度補助大專校院辦理就業學程計畫之「旅館服務業行銷企劃人才培訓學程」 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局 usc-102-03-052010 750,000 2013/08/01至2014/07/31 主持人 2013 大學實作課程導入高雄農特產品產業行銷補助計畫 高雄市政府農業局 usc-102-03-052001 350,000 2013/01/01至2013/12/31 主持人 2014 勞動部勞動力發展署補助大專校院辦理就業學程計畫旅館服務業行銷企劃人才培訓 勞動部勞動力發展署 usc 103-03-052011 750,000 2014/07/01至2015/08/30 主持人 |